Serie – Part 3: Accessing the Capital Markets by Non US based Companies, Crucial!


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The last previous two dealt with the status and regulatory compliance for foreign issuers hoping to raise capital within the US. Depending on your status and particular circumstances you are expected to deal with only some individuals who could afford … Continue reading

8 Simple Workout You Can Do at Home


As winter approaches the idea of heading outside to the gym — let alone doing any outdoor exercise — becomes less and less appealing. That’s why I thought maybe posting this with help the not-so-workingout-incline-fellows at least keep up with … Continue reading

Stay Healthy…How?


Is city life to blame? Lazyness? Sedentary lifestyles? Genes? Nature or Nurture? I just do not know. but when it comes to fitness I know this… I am amazed by how many people I meet who are in poor health.  … Continue reading

Asset Protection: Holding Company and an Operating Entity


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How to use Holding Company to protect assets Eight out of ten entrepreneurs will fail within two years and 80/100 of the remaining ones will not make it up to 5 years. Those are the staggering statistics. If you are … Continue reading

Overtaxed? Myth or Reality…


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OVERTAXED? Myth or Reality… It is a paradox that while citizens in many places in Europe cry to being taxed to death, Africa seems to be begging for taxes, and Asia is such a mix. The only guarantee there is … Continue reading