China’s New Development Model and Implications of Long-Term Demand for Base Metals


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China’s rapid growth over the past ten years has made it the largest consumer of industrial metals (steel, copper and zinc). In 2011, China accounted for close to 50% of global consumption for base metals. However, recent studies have cautioned … Continue reading

The Expansion of Chinese Influence in Africa: Opportunities & Risks


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“China’s trade with Africa has also grown steadily during the past decade reaching USD160 billion in 2011 from just USD9 billion in 2000. China’s share in Africa’s total trade has been phenomenal, rising to 13% from 3% a decade ago” Continue reading

Are African Statistics a tragedy?


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The recent rebasing of the GDPs of a number of African countries, including famously the doubling of Nigeria’s economy to half a trillion USD in 2014, has also raised interest globally in Africa’s data Continue reading

Serie 4: Other great paths to successful business ideas in Africa


So here are some other great ideas to successful business ideas in Africa following Serie 3 blog which was my most clicked blog of 2013. Some of you emailed me to expand so here we go: Path #4 – Closely watch … Continue reading

HOW TO: Make Friends, a Best Friend & Long-lasting Close Friendships 101


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        Best friends – They’re always there for you, always looking out for you. If you get really lucky, they may even always have your best interests at stake no matter what, be truly happy for you, and not develop any … Continue reading

For Your Start-Ups: Just say ‘NO’ to PTO


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Start-ups: Just say “No” to PTO No, I am not talking about some Parents-Teachers Organization. I am no parent to any kid out there. You see more and more companies are offering a benefit to their employees usually referred to … Continue reading

Tell me a story


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In the past, I’ve had two entrepreneurs come into our offices to present their respective companies, only to get the same reaction from me. You see my day-to-day job also deals with providing emergency working capital to companies. Out of those … Continue reading