How The US Investment Community is Investing in Africa and Where to get these ETFs and Mutual Funds


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  The United States Of America investment community is waking up to the African growth story.  Doubtful as usual and suspicious of all Not Made in America, they are taking cautionary baby steps approaches but at last they are definitively now open … Continue reading

Annual Report – For Fastest Growth, Top 7 African countries to Invest In


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 The World Bank released its latest Global Economics Prospects Report this month, and it suggests sub-Saharan Africa will again be among the fastest-growing regions in the world.   Seven countries, in particular, will lead the pack. According to the World Bank’s … Continue reading

For Your Start-Ups: Just say ‘NO’ to PTO


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Start-ups: Just say “No” to PTO No, I am not talking about some Parents-Teachers Organization. I am no parent to any kid out there. You see more and more companies are offering a benefit to their employees usually referred to … Continue reading

Tell me a story


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In the past, I’ve had two entrepreneurs come into our offices to present their respective companies, only to get the same reaction from me. You see my day-to-day job also deals with providing emergency working capital to companies. Out of those … Continue reading