Serie – Part 3: Accessing the Capital Markets by Non US based Companies, Crucial!


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The last previous two dealt with the status and regulatory compliance for foreign issuers hoping to raise capital within the US. Depending on your status and particular circumstances you are expected to deal with only some individuals who could afford … Continue reading

Serie – Part 1: Accessing the US Capital Markets by Foreign Private Issuers


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The depth and breadth of the equity and debt capital markets in the United States has been a key driver of the country’s economic success. By making capital available to companies of all sizes, from start-ups in Silicon Valley to … Continue reading

MCA – 101 on Merchant Cash Advances. Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners Get This


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Running a small business can be tough. Even beyond the day-to-day management of employees and inventory, there are a lot of expenses to worry about. You’ve got rent, payroll, merchandise, office supplies and so many other expenses, it can become … Continue reading



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EXERCISE EXCUSES. We’ve all heard them – and we’ve all used them. In my short life on this Earth, I’ve heard anything and everything used as reasons for neglecting one’s health and fitness. It’s always easier to put off starting … Continue reading

HOW TO: Make Friends, a Best Friend & Long-lasting Close Friendships 101


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        Best friends – They’re always there for you, always looking out for you. If you get really lucky, they may even always have your best interests at stake no matter what, be truly happy for you, and not develop any … Continue reading

Investing in Africa Start-Ups – Serie 2: Investors please consider this


Startups in agriculture, technology and several other growth areas in Africa can be sources of significant return – and risk – to an early investor. Although more than 90 percent of startup businesses fail in the first five years, many … Continue reading

Investing In African Start-Ups – Serie 1


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It usually takes three vital ingredients to make a business idea come alive: a determined and resourceful entrepreneur, a marketable idea, and yes, you guessed right – capital. Nine times out of ten, a lack of access to capital to … Continue reading

Asset Protection: Holding Company and an Operating Entity


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How to use Holding Company to protect assets Eight out of ten entrepreneurs will fail within two years and 80/100 of the remaining ones will not make it up to 5 years. Those are the staggering statistics. If you are … Continue reading