China’s New Development Model and Implications of Long-Term Demand for Base Metals


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China’s rapid growth over the past ten years has made it the largest consumer of industrial metals (steel, copper and zinc). In 2011, China accounted for close to 50% of global consumption for base metals. However, recent studies have cautioned … Continue reading

The Expansion of Chinese Influence in Africa: Opportunities & Risks


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“China’s trade with Africa has also grown steadily during the past decade reaching USD160 billion in 2011 from just USD9 billion in 2000. China’s share in Africa’s total trade has been phenomenal, rising to 13% from 3% a decade ago” Continue reading

Are African Statistics a tragedy?


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The recent rebasing of the GDPs of a number of African countries, including famously the doubling of Nigeria’s economy to half a trillion USD in 2014, has also raised interest globally in Africa’s data Continue reading

Workplace Cultures. Here’s some…What’s yours?


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Workplace Culture can be broadly defined as how employees describe their working environment. While some cultures will be defined naturally based on a small business owner’s leadership style or industry type, a lot of it will also be determined by the employees … Continue reading

Serie – Part 3: Accessing the Capital Markets by Non US based Companies, Crucial!


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The last previous two dealt with the status and regulatory compliance for foreign issuers hoping to raise capital within the US. Depending on your status and particular circumstances you are expected to deal with only some individuals who could afford … Continue reading

Serie – Part 2: Accessing the US Capital Markets, Foreign Issuers Get This


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 Last time, we reviewed the basic principles underlining regulatory compliance for foreign issuers dealing with US investors in attempts to raise capital. Here below, we follow with private fundraisings requirements which are in a class of their own as they … Continue reading

Serie – Part 1: Accessing the US Capital Markets by Foreign Private Issuers


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The depth and breadth of the equity and debt capital markets in the United States has been a key driver of the country’s economic success. By making capital available to companies of all sizes, from start-ups in Silicon Valley to … Continue reading

Do not let Africa Unconformity to Western Standards Stop You From Doing Business There. Here’s Why:


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One evening in July, Lazard banker Matthieu Pigasse was in Congo’s capital city of Brazzaville trying to catch the last ferry across the Congo River for meetings in Kinshasa. In September, Lazard announced that Pigasse—who has advised on some of … Continue reading

Soccer Nation.. Why we love the beautiful game now and forever.


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As I glare at the ball then the goal. Ball again, then goal. I started sprinting up to the multi colored ball. I strike it perfectly. Perfect follow through. The inside bend curving the ball just right. As I watch … Continue reading

How The US Investment Community is Investing in Africa and Where to get these ETFs and Mutual Funds


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  The United States Of America investment community is waking up to the African growth story.  Doubtful as usual and suspicious of all Not Made in America, they are taking cautionary baby steps approaches but at last they are definitively now open … Continue reading